What is the main theme of this passage? How would you describe this text to someone who has not read it?

What does this text tell us about God’s grace?

In what ways have you seen God bring about restoration in your life?

Read Joel 2:18. What does it mean that God is described as jealous? How is this not a violation of the 10th commandment (Exodus 20:17)?

Read Joel 2:19. What does it look like for us, as Christians today, to trust God to provide for our needs? How can we be working toward that?

Read Joel 2:20. What does it look like for us, as Christians today, to trust God to defeat our enemies, and to protect us from them? How can be working toward that?

What does Joel 2:26 tell us about God, and how He treats His people? What does it tell us about how we are called to respond to Him?

The Westminster Catechism states that the chief end of man is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever. How do we see this in Joel 2:18-27?