What does Paul mean by a “weak person”?  (14:1)  What does he mean by a stronger person?  Describe what each person looks like.

How does Paul instruct Christians (both strong and weak) to receive and relate to one another?

What behaviors does Paul caution Christians against, when it comes to receiving and relating to one another?  (14:1, 14:3, 14:4, 14:10)

What disputable matters is Paul addressing in this passage?  What are some more contemporary disputable matters in the church today?

How can we discern the difference between a disputable matter (where we should agree to disagree) and an essential matter (where we should confront and defend)?  How do we determine when we are dealing with one, as opposed to the other?

How should weaker Christians (those with more restrictive consciences) view and interact with other stronger Christians?  What sins should they be careful to guard against?

How should stronger Christians (those with more permissive consciences) view and interact with other weaker Christians?  What sins should they be careful to guard against?

What are some reasons that Paul gives as to why Christians should be flexible and not dogmatic when dealing with other Christians about disputable matters?  (14:3, 14:4, 14:10-12)

Why is it important for the church to be unified (around its belief in the gospel)?  Why is it important for the church to be diverse (with regards to opinions on disputable matters)?  Why is it remarkable for it to be both at the same time?