I’ll be back in the saddle this week to preach on Ephesians 6:1-9. In this passage, Paul gives instructions for:

  • How sons and daughters are to relate to their parents,
  • How parents are to relate to their children,
  • How servants are to relate to their masters,
  • How masters are to relate to their servants.

Obviously, much of this text is profoundly relevant to many of us. Many of us currently have relationships with our parents. And many of us are currently raising kids.

But not all of us.

Some of us do not have parents that are still living. Some of us never knew our parents at all. Plenty of us do not have children. None of us or “servants” or “masters” in the way that Paul was addressing.

However, I think that there is much for all of us to learn here, regardless of our particular season of life.

No matter what specific relationships are or are not in place in our lives, there is application for us in this text here. Application about humility, diligence, integrity, and mercy.

See you on Sunday.