This Sunday, we dive back into the Gospel of Luke! Our first Sunday back in that book since February 12, 2017!

When we left off, we saw Jesus being tempted in the wilderness, in Luke 4:1-13. We saw Him resist the temptation to gratify his appetites (instead of trusting God). We saw Him resist the temptation to seize possessions and authority and glory (before God’s appointed time). We saw Him resist the temptation to be celebrated and worshipped (before God’s appointed time).

Now, in Luke 4:14-30, Jesus returns to Galilee to begin His ministry.

We will see him read from Isaiah, and emphatically declare that He is the servant Messiah that Isaiah was anticipating.

We will see Him communicate that God’s grace and salvation extends beyond the borders of Israel, to all the world. It goes to the lowly, and the humble, and the least expected. News that was shocking to his hearers then. And, if understood rightly, is equally shocking to us today.

See you Sunday, as we work through Luke 4:14-30.