Why is 1 Kings 1–2 is in the Bible?  What do these chapters teach us about God?  What do they teach us about His faithfulness?  What do they teach us about His sovereignty?

How does Adonijah serve as a cautionary tale?  (1:5-10, 1:41-53, 2:13-25)  What of his characteristics and actions are most concerning?

What are David’s instructions to Solomon?  (2:1-9)  How are they relevant for us, as believers today?

Why does David instruct Solomon to kill Joab?  (2:5-6)  See also 2 Samuel 2-3, 17-20.

Why does David instruct Solomon to be loyal to Barzillai?  (2:7)  See also 2 Samuel 19.

Why does David instruct Solomon to kill Shimei?  (2:8-9)  See also 2 Samuel 16, 19.

What are some of the promises that God made to his people about a Redeemer?  What would this redeemer do for the people of God?  How do the kings of Israel point back to these promises of God?

How do the reigns of David and Solomon point forward to the royal reign of King Jesus?  How does Jesus serve as the true and better David?  How does he serve as the true and better Solomon?