What are some of the implications of 5:1-2?  How should it inform how we treat:

  • older men?
  • older women?
  • younger men?
  • younger women?


Why do you think that Paul was so concerned with widows?  Why was it such an important topic to him, that he devoted this much of his letter to it?


What responsibilities does Paul charge to the families of widows?  Why?


What responsibilities does Paul charge to the widows themselves?  Why?


Why does Paul instruct the church to support older widows, rather than younger widows?  What are his instructions regarding younger widows?


What are the implications (and applications) of this passage for us, as Christians today?  What kinds of principles are taught here that are relevant for us?  What can we be doing individually, and corporately, to better embody the spirit of Paul’s teaching in this text?