How is the sovereignty of God on display on this passage?  What does this passage reveal about God's power and character?

How is the holiness and righteousness of God on display in this passage?

Why do you think that God kills Ahaziah?  What sins is he guilty of in this text?

Some portions of these chapters are difficult to swallow (1:9-12, 2:23-25).  How are we, as Christians, to understand and these passages?  How can we believe them as true, while also holding fast to the reality that God is good?

How do Elijah and Elisha represent faithfulness and godly obedience in this passage?

Why do you think that Elisha asks for a double portion of Elijah’s spirit?  Why is that significant?

What miracles do we see Elijah performing?  What miracles do we see Elisha performing?

How does Elijah resemble the ministry of Moses?  How does he foreshadow the ministry of John the Baptist?

How does Elisha resemble the ministry of Joshua?  How does he foreshadow the ministry of Jesus?

What sins might this text be calling you to repent of?  What response is God calling us to through it?