In 24:1-2, Judah is attacked by Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon.  According to 24:3-4, why did this take place?  What are we to make of this?

Describe the fall of Judah into captivity at the hands of Babylon.  (25:1-21)  What is significant about some of the events that take place in this passage?

How does 25:27-30 leave us with a glimmer of hope at the end of the book?  How does it speak to the faithfulness of God to keep his promises and redeem his people?  (2 Samuel 7:8-16, Luke 2:4-7)

What does this text teach us about sin?  About the gravity, and severity, and sinfulness of our sin? 

What does this text teach us about the judgment of God against sin?  Why does God take our sin so seriously?

What does this text teach us about the sovereignty of God over suffering?  If God is, in fact, sovereign over human suffering, how can He be good?

What does this text teach us about perseverance?  About how (and why) we, as Christians, should endure, and remain faithful to Jesus - even through suffering?