Do you notice any repeating themes in this passage? If so, what is their significance?

Make a list of all the commands that Paul specifically instructs Timothy to do in this passage.

What are some characteristics and behaviors that you would associate with a quarrelsome person? Why do you think that Paul warns against this kind of posture?

How are we to reconcile commands like 2:14 and 2:24 (don’t be quarrelsome) with other commands like 2:15 and 2:25 (don’t be ashamed, teach and correct your opponents)? What does it look like to be firm in how we defend the gospel, while also being kind in how we relate to others?

What is Paul’s example of the “irreverent babble” that he observed in his day?

What are some examples of “irreverent babble” or “ignorant controversies” that we might encounter in the world today?

What does Paul tell us to do so we can be ready for any good work? What are some practical ways that we could implement this in our lives?

How does this text point us to the sovereignty of God? How does the sovereignty of God serve to encourage us, and energize us for the task of gospel ministry?