Why do you think that healthy relationships are so important to us as human beings?


Why does Paul seem so intent on having the church members in Ephesus remember their former lives apart from Christ?


How does this text describe how God goes about reconciling His people to one another?


How would you describe the significance of these terms that Paul uses throughout the passage to illustrate our former way of life? Which carries the most weight for you?

  • separate
  • excluded
  • foreigners
  • without hope
  • without God
  • far away
  • hostile
  • strangers
  • aliens


How would you describe the significance of these terms that Paul uses throughout the passage to illustrate our new life in Christ? Which of these carries the most weight for you?

  • brought near
  • united
  • new man
  • reconciled
  • peace
  • citizens
  • members
  • joined together
  • built together


What is meant by these characteristics of the temple of God (the church)?

  • built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets
  • Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone
  • being joined and growing together
  • a dwelling place for God by the Spirit