What does it mean to be an imitator of God?  How does God’s love for us enable us to imitate Him?

What is the relationship between behavioral sins and idolatry of the heart?  What are the idols of the heart that exist behind some of the besetting sins that you struggle with?

Paul goes out of his way in this text to point of the sins of sexual immorality, coveting, and speech. Why do you think these particular sins are so dangerous?

Why do you think that it is so easy for sin to thrive in darkness and anonymity? Why do you think that confessing sin, and exposing it, is so powerful?

What do you think Paul means when he instructs us to make the best use of our time? As you look at your life, and how you spend your time, do you think that you are making good use of it?

Why do you think that Paul mentions drunkenness and being Spirit-filled together in Ephesians 5:18? What (if anything) does one have to do with the other?

According to Ephesians 5:19-20, what is (are) the purpose(s) of hymns and worship music? How can we work to obey this verse, and leverage music in this way?