Do you ever feel a tug in your own life to show partiality? To love others selectively, only when it might benefit you in some way? If so, what are some ways that this tendency might manifest itself in your life?

According to Genesis 1:26-30, God created people in His image, and loves them, and gave them meaningful responsibility, and they possess inherent worth and dignity. How does this doctrine inform James’s instruction to love others without partiality or favoritism?

Why do you think that it is so easy to despise or neglect those who are poor in the eyes of the world (financially, socially, relationally, etc.)? What would it look like to love these people, instead of despising them?

Why do you think that it is so easy to idolize or idealize those who are rich in the eyes of the world (financially, socially, relationally, etc.)? What would it look like to love these people, instead of idolizing them?

How does God’s economy differ from the world’s economy? How does God view the rich and the poor differently from how the world views them?

According to James 2:10-11, God’s law operates such that if you break any part of it, you become guilty of all of it. Why do you think that it operates this way? Is it unfair? Why or why not?

What are we to make of James 2:13? How should it inform how we live our lives here in this world? How can we let a verse like this motivate us to godly living, and not cause us to fear, or undermine our assurance of salvation?