Consider some conflict that you encountered recently. (Conflict that involved you, or that involved people you knew, or conflict that you heard about.) What was it about? What caused it?

What does James cite as the primary cause of human conflict? Have you experienced this to be the case in your own life? If so, how?

What does James point to as the cure for our sinful desires and conflict? How does the gospel help us to repent our sinful hand in conflict?

According to James 4:4-5, how does God respond to the sin and rebellion of His people? What does it mean that God is “jealous”?

What are the 7 instructions that James gives in James 4:7-10? How do each of these serve to prevent or resolve conflict in our lives?

Why does James instruct Christians not to judge or speak evil against other people (James 4:11-12)? What does that kind of behavior reveal about our hearts? And our view of God? And our view of ourselves?