Why do you think Joel says that it is so important to prepare properly for the Day of the Lord (2:1)?

Joel references darkness in 2:2, and in 2:10. Why are these warnings so alarming? What is the Biblical significance of darkness and light?

Read Revelation 6:12-17 - another perspective of the same event - God’s final judgment at the Day of the Lord. What does this text tell us about God’s judgment? What are the implications for us?

What are the most difficult circumstances in your life right now? How can you trust God and obey Him in the midst of those circumstances?

Joel 2:11 seems to indicate that God Himself is the one who is executing judgment on sinners. Why is this significant? What does this tell us about the character of God?

What insight does Joel 2:11 give us into the person and work of Jesus? And into what Jesus went through on the cross on our behalf?