What does this text tell us about the heart of God for all people? Especially for those people that society seems to overlook, or value less than others?


Why is it so significant that God will pour His Spirit out on all people?


How are we to understand the ministry of the Holy Spirit? (Read the following verses.)

  • John 14:16-17
  • John 16:7-11
  • John 16:13-14
  • Romans 5:5
  • Romans 8:1-2
  • Romans 8:15-16
  • Ephesians 1:13-14


Read Joel 2:30-21, and Revelation 6:12-17. How do Joel and John describe the Day of the Lord? How do we, as Christians, benefit from being mindful of the Day of the Lord, and living in view of it?


What does Joel 2:32 tell us about God’s sovereignty? What does it tell us about human responsibility? What does it look like to believe both of these, even though they sometimes seem irreconcilable?


How are we, as Christians, called to live, in light of the doctrine of God’s sovereignty? How are we called to live in light of the doctrine of human responsibility?