How does John the Baptist identify Jesus, and describe the mission that he came into the world to do?  (1:29)  What Biblical themes might he be drawing on?  (See also Genesis 22:1-14, Exodus 12:1-32, Leviticus 4:32-35, Isaiah 53:3-7)

Describe the difference between John’s baptism and Jesus’s baptism.  (1:33)  (See also Matthew 3:11)

Why is it significant that the Holy Spirit descends on Jesus when he is baptized?  (1:32-33)  What does that signify to John?  What does that reveal to us about who Jesus is, and what he came to do?

Why do you think that Jesus had to (decided to) be baptized?  What purpose did his baptism serve?

What does it mean to be baptized with (in) the Holy Spirit?  (See also Acts 1:5, 1 Corinthians 12:13)