What is significant about the way that Jesus came into the world?  (1:10)  And about the way that Jesus was (or was not) received by the people in the world?  (1:11)  What does this tell us about the person, and work, and heart of Christ?

How does John describe what a person must do to be adopted as a child of God?  (1:12)  How does he describe what happens when a person is adopted as a child of God?  (1:13)

John 1:14 describes the incarnation - that God the Son took on human nature.  Why is it important that Jesus was both fully God and fully man?  How is the doctrine of the incarnation essential to the Christian faith?

What kinds of things are revealed to us through the incarnation of Jesus?  (1:14, 1:16-18)

How does John compare and contrast the Old Covenant (mediated through Moses) with the New Covenant (mediated through Jesus Christ)?  (1:17)  How is the New Covenant different than, and better than, and superior to the Old Covenant?

What are some practical ways that we can apply the truths of this passage, and live in light of them, in our everyday lives, as followers of Jesus?