What is the main point or lesson that Jesus is trying to get across in the parable in 11:5-8?

Describe your prayer life. Do find it difficult to find time to pray? Do you find it difficult to remain focused in prayer? Why or why not? What kinds of things do you pray for?

How is God similar to the sleeping neighbor? How is He different? How should these similarities and differences inform our prayer lives?

Why do you think that God calls His people to be persistent in prayer?

How are we to reconcile texts like this (ask, and it will be given to you) with the reality of what we experience in this life - that we don’t always get what we ask for?

11:13 seems to indicate that, according to God, the best gift that He could possibly give to His people is the Holy Spirit. Does your prayer life tend to comport with this? How often to do your pray for God to give you His Holy Spirit? How can we, as Christians, be applying this verse to our prayer lives?