What do you make of the ruler’s question (18:18)? What does it reveal about his understanding of God? What does it reveal about his understanding of himself?

Why do you think that Jesus responds specifically about the ruler’s use of the word “good” (18:19)? Why does it seem to matter so much?

What are we to make of the ruler’s response (18:21)? What does it reveal about his heart?

Why do you think that Jesus calls the man to give away all of his possessions and follow him (18:22)? How are we to apply this verse to our lives as Christians today?

Why do you think that Jesus says that it is difficult for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God (18:24)? How should this inform how we, as Christians, interact with money and possessions?

What are we to make of the question in 18:26 (Then who can be saved?) and Jesus’s response in 18:27 (What is impossible with man is possible with God.)? What does this interchange teach us about salvation?

How does 18:29-30 speak to the costliness of following Jesus in discipleship? How does it speak to the superiority of the eternal reward that is in store for followers of Jesus? What are the implications of these truths for us in our Christian lives?