In this text, Jesus says that His followers are a family. That the church is effectively one big family of God. What are the implications of this reality?

Jesus says that admittance into the family of God is not based on what you have to offer, or on proximity to important people that you may or may not know. Rather, it is based on hearing and obeying God’s Word. Why is this such a radical concept? Why is it so important?

How is God’s gospel economy different from the world’s economy? What is the difference between what the world values, and what God values?

How does the doctrine of adoption (that we, as Christians, have all been adopted into God’s family together) speak to how we are to relate to other Christians who are different than us (across divides like race, politics, nationality, social class, etc.)?

What does it look like to live as a godly family member, within the family of God (the church)?