In this text, Jesus:

  • gathers his disciples to himself, 
  • and then empowers them for gospel ministry,
  • and then sends them out to proclaim the good news of the kingdom.

Why is it significant that He does these three things, in this particular order?  How has Jesus worked in your life in ways similar to these?


Luke 9:1 says that Jesus gave the 12 disciples power and authority to go and do ministry.  How has God equipped us, as Christians, to thrive, and to live a successful Christian life?  How has He equipped us to be faithful in gospel ministry?


In Luke 9:2, Jesus sends his disciples out into the world to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal.  How has Jesus sent us, as Christians, out into the world?  What has He tasked us with?  How can we be faithful to that task (as individuals, and corporately as a church)?


In Luke 9:3, Jesus calls his disciples to travel lightly, and to take very little for their ministry journeys.  How can we, as Christians, embody this same ethos (given that this world is not our home, and that we are sojourning toward heaven)?  What does it look like to leverage our resources for the sake of eternity, rather than this life?


How can we be pursuing contentment in Christ?  What does it look like to repent of our perpetual discontentment (with our circumstances, possessions, relationships, etc.), and to strive to enjoy Jesus, and be content in Him?