What is the psalmist looking back on, and remembering, and reflecting on in 126:1-3?

How did the people of God respond (126:1-2) after God restored their fortunes (126:1)?

What are some ways that we can be intentional to remember the grace of God in our lives?  And to rejoice, and worship him in response to it? 

How did the nations that were looking on respond (126:2) after God restored the fortunes of his people (126:1)?

Why is important for us, as Christians, to show evidence of regeneration in our lives?  How does this affect God’s reputation in the world? 

What is the psalmist praying for in 126:4?

What can we be doing to cultivate a habit of bringing our prayers and requests to God?

What hope does the psalmist hold out for the reader to help him/her persevere through suffering in this life?  (126:5-6)

What does it look like for us, as Christians, to be faithful in the midst of suffering, and to persevere through it?  What can we be doing to prepare our souls for this?