What is the main theme of this Psalm? How would you articulate what the psalmist is trying to communicate?

The psalmist says that even sparrows and swallows can enjoy the presence of God (84:3). What are the implications of this for us, as Christians? How might this serve to encourage us? (See also Matthew 10:29-31.)

The psalmist says that God’s people will travel to the dwelling place of God, through the Valley of Baca (presumably a dry, arid, harsh valley), but experience it as a cool, lush spring of water (84:6). How does this illustration speak to how Christians can (and should) persevere through suffering? What does it look like for us to be joyful and grateful, even in the midst of suffering?

Do you really believe that knowing God, and enjoying the presence of God is better than anything that the world has to offer (84:10)? Or do you find yourself having difficulty believing it? Why (or why not)?

The psalmist says that God will not withhold any good thing from his people who are walking with Him (84:11). How are we to understand this verse? How should it inform how we live our lives, as Christians?

If God promises never to withhold good things from us, how are we to make sense of unfulfilled longings? How are we to reconcile suffering and hardship with verses like 84:11?