How would you articulate the main theme of this passage?

Why is important (theologically and practically) that the people of God is comprised of both Jews and Gentiles?

Read Hosea 1 (and 2:23).  What insights does this chapter give us into the heart and character of God?

Why does Paul quote Hosea 1:10 and 2:23?  (9:25-26)  What argument is he making, and how does he use those verses to support it?

Read Isaiah 10:20-23, and 1:1-9.  Why do you think that Paul cites these passages?  (9:27-29)  What argument is he making, and how does he use them to support it?

What is the difference between the Gentiles’ pursuit of righteousness and Israel’s pursuit of righteousness?  (9:30-32)

Read Isaiah 8:14 and 28:16.  How do these verses refer to and describe the Messiah?  What can we learn about the Messiah from them?

What does it look like (practically) to lean on Christ as a “cornerstone”?  What does it look like to stumble over Christ as a “rock of stumbling”?

How can we apply this passage to our lives, as Christians today?  How is it calling us to relate to God?  How is it calling us to relate to other people?