Why is sound doctrine important?  What are the effects in a church when sound, Biblical doctrine is preached and applied?  What happens when a church fails in this area?

How does Paul exhort older men?  Older women?  Younger women?  Younger men?  How can we be aspiring toward these ideals?  Which of these characteristics do you find to be the most difficult to possess or practice? Why?

Describe the power of the gospel to transform families.  What kinds of changes happen when a family comes to believe the gospel?  How has the gospel transformed your family?  How have you seen it transform other relationships?

How do you see God’s grace at work in your life lately?  How is it training you to turn away from sin and to live a more self-controlled, godly life?

The word “self-controlled” is repeated 4 times in this passage.   What does it mean to be self-controlled?  Why do you think that Paul emphasizes it in this way?

Do you find it easy to disregard what God’s word plainly says?  Why or why not?  What should we do when we’re tempted to disregard God’s Word?