What is David’s initial aspiration in 2 Samuel 7:2? Why do you think he has the intentions that he does?

How does God respond to David’s request (through Nathan) in 2 Samuel 7:5-7?

What does God point out about David’s past in 2 Samuel 7:8-9?

What does God point out about David’s future in 2 Samuel 7:9-11?

How, specifically, does God intend to build a house for David, according to 2 Samuel 7:11-13?

How does Jesus fulfill the Old Testament office of King? In what ways is Jesus a king like David?

How does the sovereign kingship of Jesus affect us, as Christians today? How are our lives different because of the reality that Jesus is a king, sitting on His throne, reigning over all the world?

In this text, David attempts to achieve, and accomplish, in order to present a house to God. And God responds, instead, by making a promise to David, and asking him to simply receive it. Why do you think it is particularly difficult to come to God empty- handed, without anything to offer, and to receive the grace that He freely offers?