What are the most significant causes of worry and anxiety in your life? Why do these things make you anxious?

What illustrations does Jesus use to communicate the reality that God provides for his people (12:24, 27-28)? What theological truths can we derive from them?

Jesus explains that worry is ultimately of no real value - it cannot add even an hour to our lives (12:25-26). With that in view, why do you think that we worry as much as we do?

Jesus explains that the nations of the world (nonbelievers) throw themselves into worry and anxiety, but that these things have no place among God’s people (12:29-30). How does belief in a sovereign God help alleviate fear, and anxiety, and worry?

Jesus teaches that God not only provides for his people, but that he delights to provide for his people (12:32). How does this reality change the way that we view, and understand, and relate to God?

What does it mean to invest in eternity rather than this life (12:33-34)? What are some practical ways that we can be doing that?