Why do you think that Pilate sent Jesus to Herod?

Why was Herod glad that Jesus was sent to him?

Why was Herod angry with Jesus, and why did he send him back to Pilate?

What was sinful about Herod’s actions and heart posture?  How can we guard against it in our lives?

What are some ways where you, like Herod, might be tempted to idolize entertainment over Christ?

How did Pilate try to handle Jesus’s trial after he received him back from Herod?

What was sinful about Pilate’s actions and heart posture?  How can we guard against it in our lives?

What are some ways where you, like Pilate, might be tempted to idolize the approval of the world over the approval of God?

Why is it so significant (and scandalous) that the crowd would prefer Barabbas to Jesus?

At first glance, it appears as if Pilate earnestly wants to let Jesus go, and that it is the riotous crowds that really wants him to be killed (See also Matthew 27:24).  Why does history look back on Pilate as such a villain, who was responsible for Jesus’s death?

Why do you think that Jesus repeatedly refuses to defend himself during these trials in front of these rulers?