How would you summarize this Psalm? What are the main points? Do you find any statements to be particularly impactful? Why?

Do you agree with David that being forgiven by God one of the greatest blessings a person can experience? Why or why not? Why are spiritual blessings more to be desired than material or social blessings in this life?

David says that when he kept silent about his sin, his body wasted away and God’s hand was heavy upon him. Why do you think that he felt this way? What other Scriptures speak of God’s work upon the conscience of His people?

How does becoming a Christian change our relationship with sin in our lives? How have you experienced this in your life personally?

Has your conscience become more sensitive as you’ve grown in your walk with Christ? If so, how? Why (or why not) do you think this is the case?

Do you find it difficult to confess your sin? Why or why not? What are the benefits of confessing our sins to each other? How can we be working to build a community where we feel safe enough to be authentic and transparent with each other?