What is the main theme of Psalm 67? How would you synthesize it down into a sentence or 2?

What are the most significant evidences of grace in your life? The most significant ways that God has blessed you? Try and name several of them.

What would it look like to leverage each of these for the purpose of blessing others? For the purpose of helping others know Christ?

Luke 12:48 says: “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” How does this verse apply to us? (Christians, who lived in an affluent country, with a relatively high standard of living.)

Psalm 67 describes a progression, where God blesses His people (67:1), such that people are drawn to Him (67:2), and worship Him (67:3), and live and thrive under His rule (67:4).  What is significant about this progression?  How have you seen it play out in your life? Or in the lives of others?

Psalm 67 alludes to the priestly blessing in Numbers 6:22-27. What were the roles and responsibilities of the priests in ancient Israel? How are Christians called to similar responsibilities today?