What is the “righteousness of God that has been manifested”?  (3:21)  What does it mean that it was manifested “apart from the law”?

What does Paul mean when he says that the Law and the Prophets “bear witness” to the righteousness of God?  (3:21)

What does it mean to “fall short of the glory of God”?  (3:23)  Why do you think that Paul uses that language?

How does 3:23 serve as a summation of everything Paul has been arguing for in Romans 1-3?

Define the word “justified”.  (3:24)  Why is that term significant?  How does Paul say that a sinner can be justified before God?

Define the word “redemption”.  (3:24)  Why is that term significant?  How does Jesus redeem his people?  What does he redeem them from?

Define the word “propitiation”.  (3:25)  Why is that term significant?  What does this term teach us about the nature of Christ’s death on the cross?

How does the death of Christ “show God's righteousness”?  (3:25)  What does careful consideration of Christ’s death teach us about the character of God?

How does the death of Christ show that God is both “just” and “the justifier”?  (3:26)  Why is the cross necessary in order for these terms to both be true of God?

What is it about the gospel that precludes the Christian from boasting?  (3:27)  How can we be working to apply this reality in our lives?

Paul says that we are to uphold the law, rather than overthrow it.  (3:31)  If justification is by faith (instead of by obeying the law), then what reason do Christians have for obeying the law of God?