What does Paul mean when he says that the Holy Spirit “helps us in our weakness”?  (8:26)  What are some practical ways that the Holy Spirit draws near to us and helps us?

What does Paul mean he says that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us when we pray?  (8:26-27)  What implications does this have for our prayer life?

Compare and contrast the Holy Spirit’s role as intercessor (8:26-27) and Jesus’s work as our mediator (1 Timothy 2:5).

What is the promise that Paul articulates in 8:28?  How does this promise help us and equip us, as believers, to walk through temptation and suffering in this life?

What are the conditions for receiving the promise that Paul articulates in 8:28?  What does it mean to be called according to the purpose of God?

What terms (sets of persons) does Paul refer to in 8:29-30?  What does each term mean?  What do they imply (respectively) about the Christian life?

Consider the predestining work of God.  What has God predestined us to be?  (8:29)  What can we be doing to see this promise realized in our loves?