How would you describe the overall theme of the book of Zephaniah?


How does your soul react to the thought of the judgment of God?  What about the discipline of God?  Or the wrath of God?  Why?


How does Zephaniah describe the Day of the Lord in chapters 1 and 2?  Why is God so angry?


What specific sins are mentioned in Zephaniah 1 and 2?  What does this tell us about the appropriate way to approach God?


How are we to account for the sudden shift in tone in this book (starting in 3:9)?  Why does Zephaniah shift from such strong judgment language to such encouraging salvation language?


Zephaniah speaks of God’s judgment of the Gentile nations (chapter 2), but also of God’s judgment of Judah herself (chapter 1).  Why would the latter be so foreign, and so scandalous to his hearers?


Zephaniah speaks of the salvation of the people of God (3:14-20), but also of the salvation of the Gentile nations (3:9-13).  Why would the latter be so foreign, and so scandalous to his hearers?


What are we to make of the reality that God’s judgment is for everyone (those we perceive to be bad, as well as those we perceive to be good)?  What are we to make of the reality that God’s salvation free is for everyone (those we perceive to be good, as well as those we perceive to be bad)?