What is the main point of this Psalm?  How would you describe its main themes in a sentence or two?


In Psalm 103:1, David instructs his soul to worship God. What strategy does he employ in Psalm 103:2 to mobilize his soul to do that? What does it look like for us to employ a similar strategy in our lives, so that we can worship God well?


In Psalm 103:3-5, David describes 5 ways that God blesses His people. Do any of these descriptions carry particular significance for you? How have you seen them play out in your life?


What do we see in Psalm 103:8-9 about God’s love, and God’s anger? How can we, as Christians, grow to be more like God in how we express both love and anger?


We see 3 analogies in Psalm 103:11-13. What does each analogy communicate about God, and about the gospel?


Why is God’s everlasting love (Psalm 103:17-18) so significant, in light of what we read about humanity in Psalm 103:14-16?


In Psalm 103:20-22, we see David exhort his soul to join in with the angels, and heavenly hosts, and all of creation in worshipping God. Why is it important to see worship as a collective, community event? As opposed to an individual event, done in isolation?